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Can You Predict NCA Exam Questions?

Short answer: Kinda.

Long answer: Predicting doesn't necessarily mean to guess exactly what the question will ask. I am more concerned about predicting the substance of what you may be asked on exam day. This, I believe is well within your grasp.

Part of your overall strategy should be to predict and prepare for your exam.

I've discussed the significance of, and how to be strategic, and make the point that understanding the law may not be enough. Predicating what you are most likely to be quizzed on should be a tool used to ensure your success. You want to enter this exam confidently -- to achieve that, don't go in surprised to see anything, or at the very least, have the resources you need when confronted with a surprise in the exam.

This is attained by compiling resources or reference points that will ensure you are not wasting time by:

  1. Looking through your material/notes; or

  2. Re-calling specific information from memory.

What much of your exam will come down to is simply recognizing the issue you must address.

All fundamental issues are distinguishable; the key to predicting what you will be asked on the NCA exams is by identifying these fundamental issues in a given area of law. When these key issues are identified, your efforts can now be focused on understanding and being able to intelligently address these matters when tested.

So what the starting point to predict? Use points of reference to make an educated and informed guess.


Your syllabus provides you with all testable material. The headings are not what you should be looking at to make this determination. Certainly homicide is a testable theme on exam day -- however, mens rea and actus reus will be reoccurring issue throughout your exam. Identify elements in the syllabus that are more likely than not to be tested, as you want to focus your efforts.

Practice Questions

Make use of practice questions. Canadian law schools have practice questions you may refer to. When you practice many questions from different exams under the same area of law, you notice that there is close to an exhaustive number of issues that reoccur.

The next step is to make this tangible. Like I said, You want to go into the exam with confidence. Create resources to actually take into the exam based on your predictions. This can take the form of checklists or answer frameworks.

Think about how you can use this idea to better inform your studies and prepare your resources for exam day!


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