Challenges in writing the NCA Foundations of Canadian Law Exam
This was easily the most deceptive of all the exams I had to study for. I have a friend who had written foundations and gave me a heads up; he warned me that this exam contained elements of Canadian Constitutional and Administrative Law. You should consider studying this exam in conjunction with these other areas as they all seem to overlap.
Conceptually the content in Foundations was not particularly difficult to understand. The material is wide-reaching, however. Several tests you must keep in contemplation (aboriginal rights, administrative law tests, charter violations/Oakes test) throughout your preparation will have you stretched pretty thin when it comes to this exam aboriginal rights, administrative law tests, charter rights test will. I didn’t find the practice questions the NCA provided to be as reflective as the exam, and thus not particularly helpful to prepare for it.
So practice the content you find in the sample tests for Administrative and Constitutional Law to keep you well prepared.